Executive Coaching
and HR Consultancy

Preparing individuals and organisations for the Future of Work

Executive Coaching

It is commonly agreed that leaders of the future will need to be resilient, adaptable, resourceful and effective communicators – are you prepared?

HR Consultancy

If you have a compelling desire to thrive, remain relevant, stay ahead of the competition and attract the top talent, my HR consultancy will help.

Preparing individuals and organisations for the Future of Work

Welcome to the world of the 21st Century.

 – Are you looking for support to help you or your senior colleagues be more effective leaders?
 – Are you worried about the future direction of your workforce?
 – How can you find out the Future of Work implications for your business?

Rachel Dempers Ltd can help.

As your executive coach and HR consultant, I will combine an honest, approachable style with corporate insight, to guide you towards achieving your goals.

My aim is to ensure that you and your organisation are positioned favourably for the Future of Work.

In today’s uncertain and complex environments, leaders are required to have great endurance. As a leader, a readiness to evolve ensures that your skills remain relevant. It also presents the opportunity to forge ahead of the competition, yet who will guide you and hold you accountable?

Inspiring Change

The digital revolution is driving considerable change and our workplaces are becoming increasingly complex environments. Leaders often lack the time and space to think, reflect and move the business forward and this is where I make all the difference.

With the majority of my career being spent in the IT sector, I understand the desire to keep pace in a fast-paced and constantly changing environment. I bring an objective perspective and have the skills to help forward-thinking individuals and organisations to prepare for the Future of Work.

My belief is that every business should be able to access a forward-thinking Coaching and HR programme regardless of size or stage of growth in order to remain relevant and competitive as the world of work is changing – are you ready?

To start the conversation, complete my online enquiry form and I’ll get back in touch.

About Rachel

My purpose is to enable leaders and businesses to be more thoughtful, informed and prepared for their future, so they can succeed and thrive.

I am a strong collaborator, pragmatic and I am known for bringing calm to chaos. If we join forces, I know we can affect positive change.

I am driven by a desire to equip individuals and companies with the tools to optimise their potential, but what qualifies me to offer executive coaching and HR consultancy services?


“I had the great privilege to be coached by Rachel Dempers. In working with Rachel, I found her to be insightful, targeted, and positively challenging.”

“From this experience I have made significant behavioral changes in order to achieve my goal that I don’t think it would have happened on my own. It is without any reservation I would highly recommend her!”


Director, Dell

Get in touch with Rachel today